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Joshua humpfer a Vq Hm p o WQ unsplash CROP

Catalysts For Regeneration

Discover Mallorca through immersive journeys with a positive impact.


Our commitment to the environment, adventure, heritage, and conscious living is at the heart of what we do. Our experiences are rooted in the rhythm of nature and the richness & diversity of Mallorca's history.

About Us

Cicada offers immersive travel experiences that focus on environmental regeneration and cultural preservation.

We collaborate with local communities & organisations to create meaningful journeys that connect people with nature and themselves. Our goal is to use travel as a tool for positive change, supporting rewilding projects, ecological research, and community-driven solutions.

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"Feeling connected to the natural world brings vital benefits for both people and planet".

Our Philosophy

Three of the most important issues of our time – the climate emergency, the loss of wildlife & biodiversity and the mental health crisis – have one thing in common: the relationship between people and nature.

By forming emotional connections with nature, ourselves, and each other, we shift our awareness and change our behaviours, resulting in an increase in environmental consciousness & inspiring people to action.

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"Through intimate personal experiences, we move from thinking with the head, to thinking with the heart. This is when change occurs".

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How We Work

Cicada is for individuals, families, organisations & communities.

We are a platform for changemakers. Using travel to bring people together to raise consciousness and find solutions.

By integrating local knowledge and values into governance, we increase value for guests, while shaping the vision of local stewards and community stakeholders.

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Mission-led travel supporting a 2030 nature-positive, climate-resilient goal.

Vision & Impact

Through impact philanthropy and project sponsorship of community initiatives, we are creating a travel ecosystem that promotes the growth of new connections & relationships.

From rewilding projects to ecological research, your journey with us contributes to protecting and restoring Mallorca's unique culture & biodiversity.

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Our Offering

  • 01

    Family Adventures

  • 02

    Business Regeneration

  • 03

    Regenerative Wellness

  • 04

    Rites of Passage for Teens

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"Regenerative transformation has long been demanded by the planet and now it’s being demanded by the people too".